Puzzle Solving Genius Page

Puzzle Solving Genius Page

Derek Bosch
Derek Bosch

"I cannot take complete credit for solving your amazing puzzle. I used all (2 sets) of your hints, some good guesses, and a fair bit of computer analysis to come up with an exterior picture. From that I managed to assemble it." [E-mail received from Derek Bosch 10/11/2007 upon completing assembly of Mini-Conundrum X2 #31 in Mountain View, CA.]

Dr. James Carroll
James Carroll

"Without a photograph or specification of size or shape (and with a missing piece), solving Mini-Conundrum X2 is extraordinarily challenging........ (Initially,) even with three pieces located correctly (as it turned out), I made no further headway. With the experience gained from prior efforts at solution and an insight from the second set of clues, I made steady progress to the solution and enjoyed finding unexpected piece placements and interlocks. It's good fun to solve, but takes quite a while. GarE's work is both clever and attractive. It is interesting to compare the way pieces are used in (the assembly of) Mini-Conundrum and (Mini-Conundrum) X2." [E-mail received from Dr. James Carroll after completing assembly of Mini-Conundrum, X2 #5 on 10/22/07.]