108 1/2 Pearl St, Apt. #2F;
charming EFFICIENCY unit has been completely renovated.
It is approximately 550 square feet total. It has a large open floor
plan kitchen/living area and lots of sunlight with four 6' double hung
windows facing south and east with adjustable wood blinds for privacy.
There is a tile counter/eating area between the small kitchen and
living area. This unit has a delightful natural gas space heater for
those cold winter nights. There are built-in bookshelves in the living
area and two small closets. The sleeping area has a partition wall for
privacy. The bathroom has a tile floor, sink, shower stall and toilet.
Otherwise, the unit is carpeted throughout. There is offsite parking
nearby. No smoking on the premises. No dogs, possibly a well behaved
declawed cat.
108 1/2 Pearl St, Apt. #2R;
charming ONE BEDROOM unit was completely renovated in the early 1990's.
It is approximately 600 square feet total. It has an open carpeted
kitchen/living area and large six foot tall double hung windows facing
north and east with adjustable wood blinds for privacy. The bedroom
area has a rustic wood floor. and three large windows. The bathroom has
an oak wide plank floor, sink, shower stall and toilet. There is
offsite parking
nearby on all sides. No smoking on the
premises. No dogs, possibly a well behaved declawed cat.
For more information call GarE Maxton @
734-662-4273 or E-Mail GarE at gmaxton@maxton.com