2046 Washtenaw
2048 Washtenaw Lower Level Office Suite 2048 Washtenaw Upper Level-North & South Suites These Suites have a reception area which leads to separate offices. The North Suite has three offices and the South Suite has two offices.Both Suites share a common entrance and bathroom. The ceilings are vaulted and each Suite has lots of windows. 2050 Washtenaw East & West Office Suites The main floor suites have impressive front entrances, spacious common areas and four private offices total. The farthest east and farthest west offices havebeautiful vaulted douglas fir ceilings; the farthest east office even has it's own private entrance. There are lots of built-in shelves and storage areas, even a wall safe.
2050 1/2 Washtenaw 2052 Washtenaw 2056 Washtenaw 2058 Washtenaw |